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Thread: Mark II Production Time-Line

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Lancaster, OH

    Default Mark II Production Time-Line

    Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember seeing a production time-line for the Mark II. Significant Dates, when new features were introduced, etc.

    Has anyone seen such a thing? As the Forum Historian I think such a thing would be an important addition. However, I don't want to "create what's already been created".

    If it's in the Mark II Encyclopedia, I missed it. There's no such thing in the LCOC Authenticity Manual. Possibly there was something like this that appeared in the LCOC's Continental Comments, but I haven't seen it,

    So, if anyone knows of such a thing, please point me in the right direction.

    Pat Marshall
    Lancaster, OH

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Farmington Hills, MI


    Continental Comments has several articles on the Mark II printed over the years.
    Barry Wolk
    Farmington Hills, MI


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