Chris and I have come to an agreement. I believe I have the parts to make two identical units. I've ordered 2 poppet valve kits, the most extensive kit I've seen. It even includes a new stainless steel shaft. Roger Z. is the one that clued me in that Cadillac parts dealer offered one for $85.00 This comprehensive kit was under $250, including the new stainless ram.
Many of the early production photos show a zinc-plated, unpainted tank. They were later painted black to cover the inevitable scratches it received in manufacturing process. All three tanks in my possession have never had paint on them. I later discovered that the badly rusted tank had no drain hole, ever. QC problems?
Due to the way a Mark II is parked can lead to problems, also. A normal garage floor has a pitch to it. It rises as you pull in. That pitch is sufficient to make any accumulated water or brake fluid drip out the drain hole and onto the garage floor, not the firewall. However, if you back in water will pool inside the vacuum chamber and rust it badly on the inside.
Last edited by Barry Wolk; 07-28-2024 at 08:25 AM.
Barry Wolk
Farmington Hills, MI