My car will only start in Neutral, is this normal for these?
What can be done so it will start in Park?
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My car will only start in Neutral, is this normal for these?
What can be done so it will start in Park?
There's a kit, but why bother? You'll get used to it.
I have a placard that I keep in the glove box and pull it out and place it on the dash when I valet my Mark ii. It states, "Notice to Valet. . . This vehicle will only start in Neutral. The fact that it will not start in Park is not a defect, it was manufactured that way."
Not that these cars are known for it but starting in neutral eliminates the possibility of these cars jumping into reverse unexpectedly. I’ve never had a problem like that concerning a Mark II but the later, suicide door Lincoln’s will jump out of park on their own. I’d say leave well enough alone.