View Full Version : 3186 has arrived - now the questions
Mark Norris
12-02-2017, 05:15 PM
Hello All,
After buying sight-unseen in California then spending 6 months shipping the the UK, clearing customs and going through vehicle registration (now license number is 155 UYY so age appropriate for 1956) my Mark ii is finally here in Aberdeen, Scotland. Unfortunately after a 600 mile trailer trip to home from the importer's premises near London we managed to time its arrival with the first snow fall of winter complete with a howling gale. It was quite a struggle to get her into the garage in the dark and a flat battery didn't help! Managed to jump start it the next morning and it fired up first crank, quite a beast (we're not used to 6 Liter V8's here).
Now all clean and polished she looks very smart again. The kids have named her Connie and upped their rate for car washing given all that bodywork! I've had time to look over her in detail and have some questions that I can't find answers to in the many manuals/articles I've gathered over the last year, perhaps someone will know;
1) Its drums front and back but has been converted to a dual circuit brakes with a more modern servo (booster). Works great, prehaps too great ...the brake pedal does'nt seem to move at all but the car practically stops on it nose when you apply even light foot pressure. Perhaps its been over-boosted? Will send a picture of the booster if it helps.
2) There are three toggle switches under the dash on the drivers side (though one looks like an add on), what are they for?
3) The two fuel tank top vents have been plugged off (in fact the tank could be new ... the drain plug has a Torx Star recess which doesn't look very 1950s), is this a common modification?
4) its got new front and rear shocks but the rear ones are attached above the leaf springs and not below them, is this normal for shocks now available. The old shock mounts (below the leaf springs) are still there.
Any information would be much appriciated.
Kind regards,
Shelly Harris
12-03-2017, 11:41 AM
Congratulations..... I'm sure you'll get smarter answers then I can supply. But let me say, be very happy that you have a dual master on the brakes. I have everything original and when the brakes are adjusted and bled all around the pedal rides high and activates with very little pressure.... can stop abruptly when creeping or going slow... but stopping at higher speeds you must apply greater pressure... it's something I get use to.
Don't know what the add on toggle switch is..but there are two vacumn swithes operating the radio antenna.
Your front shock upper end is connected to the frame. The lower end is attached to a mounting bracket to the lower suspension arm. The rear shock is mounted above the leaf spring.
Have Fun.
Roger Zimmermann
12-04-2017, 05:25 AM
its got new front and rear shocks but the rear ones are attached above the leaf springs and not below them, is this normal for shocks now available. The old shock mounts (below the leaf springs) are still there.
Mark, sometimes a picture of the problem would be very helpful. I cannot anser your other questions; a picture of the correct set-up of the rear shock absorbers may help.
Mark Norris
12-04-2017, 03:21 PM
Hello Roger,
Many thanks for this. Your picture confirms what I thought. On my car the lower shock mounts below the axle leaf string are still there but not used. Instead the shocks (which look quite new) are attached to new mounts located on the top of the leaf spring (ie. on the mounting sandwiched between the leaf spring and the axle). I suspect someone couldn't find the right length of shocks and improvised ....or is this a standard work around for currently available shocks. Crawled underneath to take the attached photo to illustrate what I mean.
I discovered after some testing what everyone else I guess knows. The left hand under dash toggle switch works the footwell lights and the right hand one works the radio ariel.
A closer look at the manuals does indicate a Torx Star type drain plug on the fuel tanks so it must be an original one.
Also attached is a photo of the dual circuit booster, can anyone identify it as this would be helpful in the future if I need spares.
Kind regards,
Standard shocks are readily available for the factory setup. I can't find my sales receipt but I think i used the following:
front Monroe 37108
rear Monroe 37029
Shelly Harris
12-05-2017, 09:23 AM
You need to print out one of our Specification Cards:
Specification Card (
Front: Monroe 5020; Gabriel 5210
Rear Gabriel N45006
Joseph Stebbins
12-11-2017, 01:12 PM
Hello All,
After buying sight-unseen in California then spending 6 months shipping the the UK, clearing customs and going through vehicle registration (now license number is 155 UYY so age appropriate for 1956) my Mark ii is finally here in Aberdeen, Scotland. Unfortunately after a 600 mile trailer trip to home from the importer's premises near London we managed to time its arrival with the first snow fall of winter complete with a howling gale. It was quite a struggle to get her into the garage in the dark and a flat battery didn't help! Managed to jump start it the next morning and it fired up first crank, quite a beast (we're not used to 6 Liter V8's here).
Now all clean and polished she looks very smart again. The kids have named her Connie and upped their rate for car washing given all that bodywork! I've had time to look over her in detail and have some questions that I can't find answers to in the many manuals/articles I've gathered over the last year, perhaps someone will know;
1) Its drums front and back but has been converted to a dual circuit brakes with a more modern servo (booster). Works great, prehaps too great ...the brake pedal does'nt seem to move at all but the car practically stops on it nose when you apply even light foot pressure. Perhaps its been over-boosted? Will send a picture of the booster if it helps.
My guess is that there is too much pressure going to the front brakes as the MC is for a Disc/Drum set up. I would install an adjustable proportioning valve (Wilwood or equiv) and adjust the pressure to the Front brakes.
2) There are three toggle switches under the dash on the drivers side (though one looks like an add on), what are they for?
One is for the interior lights, one is for the antenna and the added on (as there are only 2 on a stock car) is most likely for an electric fuel booster pump to prime the carb after sitting.
3) The two fuel tank top vents have been plugged off (in fact the tank could be new ... the drain plug has a Torx Star recess which doesn't look very 1950s), is this a common modification?
The vents are connected to a "T" that is made of rubber that breaks down and causes the car to smell of gas. There is a kit to repair the problem available from the usual sources.
4) its got new front and rear shocks but the rear ones are attached above the leaf springs and not below them, is this normal for shocks now available. The old shock mounts (below the leaf springs) are still there.
I am not sure about this. ???
Mark Norris
12-12-2017, 09:10 AM
Many thanks for the advice.
I'll read the thread and source an adjustable proportioning valve.
I think you are right about the third under dash switch. When I turn the ignition on I can hear the fuel pump ticking, it goes a little quieter after 10 secs (fuel bowls full) but never actually stops. Obviously I need to flick the switch the other way at that point.
Turns out on closer inspection that one side of the two lower (smallest) leaves are broken completely off on both rear springs. I'll have to remove them and ship down the England where therer's a company (Jones Springs) that specialises in making classic car leaf springs. I'll drop the fuel tank at the same time to sort the vents and repaint behind.
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