View Full Version : 3811 begins her new life
John Herrell
11-20-2015, 11:20 AM
Hey folks, I just gotta tell you what I’m up to.
(I tried to post this from the train yesterday, but was not to be.)
As we speak, I am on the rails, rollin across Missouri from NorCal, arriving shortly in St. Louie (Louie). Tomorrow morning, I take possession of (and set eyes on, for the first time) my Dream Machine ™, #3811.
I said recently in my intro that I fell in love with this model 59 years ago. I knew then and have known ever since that what I saw before me was the most elegant automobile ever manufactured. I just never ever imagined one might be in my future. But now it is.
Tomorrow I turn around and, with my most elegant “new” Pride and Joy, start working my west. Of course, back to NorCal is too straightforward (for me). Oh no. I have to head first to The PacificNorthWet. I’ll get ‘er home, but not directly.
So stay tuned and I’ll check in along the way. (And wish me a little luck if you’re so inclined.)
The dealer is still attending to a few outstanding issues, most notably wipers. The car should be ready to roll out of the lot in a couple of hours or so for point west (far west).
Bob Barger
11-20-2015, 02:20 PM
Takes me back to when I picked up my car in (I think)82. I had my wife and 2 small kids with me when we picked it up in Long Beach CA. We drove it home to Edmonton, Alberta with 1 overnight stop. It was a 1500 mile trip and we did it mostly on faith cause I had not seen the car in over 12 years. It was an eventful trip. Have fun and congratulations on getting your dream car. Post some pictures as soon as you can.
Peter Baumgardt
11-20-2015, 02:57 PM
Congratulations, John. I hope you did not pay much more than on Sept.4th, when she was sold in Auburn, IN.
Looks really great, everything seems to be correct.
John Herrell
11-20-2015, 03:53 PM
Bob: This trip is going to be around 3,000 before I'm done. *Lots* of faith involved, but it has had a good going over. Was up in Edmonton myself last year, but that was on my Harley. Will see about some pix (but you all know what it looks like <seg>).
John Herrell
11-20-2015, 03:57 PM
Peter: I did pay more than they did, but I think it's in the ballpark for a *very* sweet car. Exterior is really excellent and nothing wrong with the interior, just some very sweet patina. Seems to be at the low end of pricing for one of this condition. (And all a bit subjective, ultimately.)
Every car is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. If you're as pleased with your car as your posts suggest, you got a bargain. Have a great trip home and let us ride along vicariously--post pictures as you go.
11-20-2015, 06:07 PM
Enjoy! Sounds like a romantic trip.
Nick DeSpirito
11-20-2015, 06:31 PM
Congrats and welcome to the Mark II family. :) Looks like a beautiful automobile
John Herrell
11-20-2015, 08:18 PM
Tim, Hopefully so (romantic). I'm esp looking forward to the ride down the Pacific Coast after picking up my wife in Olympia. Thanks.
John Herrell
11-21-2015, 10:20 PM
Before I made an offer, I had a local mechanic take the car for a good once-over (probly more than that). It got a pretty good bill of health, esp once he:
Replaced a wide open thermostat;
Did other repairs to the heater so it would function;
Replaced a non-op w/w mechanism with the electric conversion kit (something I was planning on after the trip);
Said he to me: The plugs and wires look very very old.
Said me to he: Replace them!
He also commented: the tach is bouncing all over the place. To which I thought, a) I can live without it for the trip, and b) ha ha! a likely cause is a bad spark plug wire!
Ha Ha indeed. After he replaced the wires, the tach works perfectly!
The handful of remaining "issues" are absolutely trivial:
2 dead dash lights, those being the left turn indicator and the bulb between the clock and the tach (best one to lose);
Driver door switch for the dome light (haven't looked at it);
And the radio. Here's a question: Does it have a conventional on/off on the volume switch (in which case mine's kaput, because there's no on/off on it). Or is there a secret on/off sw I haven't found, in which case maybe the radio works. If it's broken, I presume there's some recondition / exchange somewhere.
That is the sum total of what's the least bit wrong with this car. And I am one very happy camper!
John Herrell
11-21-2015, 10:36 PM
Didn't take delivery until noon. Then wanting to get in some miles today. It snowed in St. Louis this morning, but all moved out just before noon. Took wonderful (dry) back roads from St. Louis to Jeff City (highways 100 and 94), thence 63 to Columbia to lose some time (most deliberately) visiting with my daughter's family for a couple of hours. Wish it could have been longer. Then just trucked down the Interstate to get in those miles. 350 miles after noon with a notable interlude. Works for me.
She just purrs at 70. Does fine above that but with considerably more noise. 70 works for now. She and I settled in together very quickly and easily.
I have 2 questions: I have radials inflated (I think) to 30 psi and the car slightly oversteers. No problem for me (I prefer over to under) but just wonder if this is the norm.
Also, it only starts in neutral. (Good thing I was the one to try to start the car as I left the dealer. If I had just ridden out, later shut it off, and tried to start in park I might have had the car towed to a shop!) Again, is this the norm?
Oh yeah, it got dark and as I rolled along I wondered, "where is the switch for the brights?" Hmmmm. "Oh, here it is!" Most splendid. How entirely civilized!
I don't know how big the tank is. 18 gal? I got 14+ mpg on the first tank (half on 2-lane highways and half on interstate). Seems pretty damn good to me, and if gas mileage is an indicator of engine health, seems just FINE, indeed. So what is the typical range for highway cruising? Seems like 230-240 miles should leave some margin. Comments, please.
Bob Barger
11-22-2015, 07:50 AM
Bob: This trip is going to be around 3,000 before I'm done. *Lots* of faith involved, but it has had a good going over. Was up in Edmonton myself last year, but that was on my Harley. Will see about some pix (but you all know what it looks like <seg>).
I'm guessing it was not in January. With regard to the tach, there is a place here in Santee (The Speedo shop) that repaired both my speedo and tach. If the problem returns they will do a good job at a reasonable price. The radio off/on switch is the first push button, the knob is volume only.
John Herrell
11-22-2015, 08:49 AM
Oh, that button reading "off." Is *that* what that means. (Ah ha! A secret button. <g>) Heh, everyone at the dealership thought the radio was broken. Ain't forums great! THANKS!!!
Also, it only starts in neutral. (Good thing I was the one to try to start the car as I left the dealer. If I had just ridden out, later shut it off, and tried to start in park I might have had the car towed to a shop!) Again, is this the norm!
Yes; designed to only start in neutral. I suspect we all have stories about that--when it was in for repairs and unknowing mechanic panicked when it wouldn't start, etc.
There is a conversion available to change it to Park. Personally never felt the need, but we don't have to start on hill frequently.
Mark II Seeker
11-22-2015, 02:16 PM
Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on the purchase of your Mark II. It looks very nice in the pictures.
I made a 3000 plus mile one way trip to purchase my Mark II ( suburban Philadelphia PA to suburban Seattle WA) but I never seriously entertained thoughts on driving it cross country. I bought mine in early December and would have been concerned about weather challenges n addition to potential breakdowns or $500 a pop hubcaps flying off onto the side of the highway.
11-22-2015, 02:20 PM
FYI, the fuel tank capacity is 25 gallons.
Spike Johnson
11-22-2015, 05:21 PM
why in the world did they design to only start in neutral ??? Also good to know about gas tank capacity eh john ?
John Herrell
11-22-2015, 10:23 PM
350 mile range? Seriously? Wow.
11-22-2015, 10:37 PM
All 1955 and 1956 Ford products with an automatic transmission would start only in neutral. I am not sure about the years prior to 1955 but would suspect they were the same. I know starts in park could be done by 1962 but not sure about 1957-1961. Probably changed when the fordomatic transmission was replaced with the cruiseamatic, which I think was first available in 1958.
Why the fordomatic was designed to start only in neutral is something I have never thought about until now.
Spike Johnson
11-23-2015, 03:04 AM
All 1955 and 1956 Ford products with an automatic transmission would start only in neutral. I am not sure about the years prior to 1955 but would suspect they were the same.
ok 2cents coming here
My dad bought a new 56 ford station wagon and we had it for 10 years.100,000 miles.
It started in Park
In later life the neutral safety switch was worn and it usually had to be started by wiggling the shifter upwards to engage the neutral safety switch-loose / worn I dont know. BUT my dad was a full blown mechanic and never worried about fixing it. I suppose it became a feature after a while.
John Herrell
11-23-2015, 10:37 PM
Don't expect you can ever "hide out" in your Mark II!
Allow extra time at all gas stops. (I might hang a sign on my neck: Conversation, $10. naaaaaaa)
I love the line (heard more than once): "That is the most beautiful car I have ever seen." I love the line because I agree 100%.
Names must be bestowed. I've never named an automobile, but I will Shirley name this one. Funny thing, the first guy at the first gas stop said exactly the same opening line as the first guy at the second gas stop: "That is One Beautiful MoFo!" That's almost a name, but I think I'll save it for her dirty little private name.
I wuz pondering today how many have named theirs, "True Love." I won't but I could.
John Herrell
11-23-2015, 10:59 PM
re: gawkers
Oh yeah, and then there's the ones who pull up on the left and hover 'til you look over so they can show you some thumbs up.
Wuz bemused by one guy who was hangin back there at "7 o'clock." I wondered whatinhell he was doing and then realized he'd retrieved his camera.
Hey, it's good being King.
Spike Johnson
11-24-2015, 05:54 AM
bet they're looking in the back for Miss Daisey.
And when the see you, they're wondering what you did with her .
you're lovin it aint cha
Make sure ya get some pictures with Connie when she see it
John Herrell
11-24-2015, 06:45 PM
For those who enjoy such minutia:
Missouri to The Continental Divide (1,330 miles) 14.5 mpg;
Comin down the west slope (and The Great Basin) (400 miles so far) 17.2 mpg. Not shabby.
RL Chilton
11-27-2015, 08:56 PM
That's got to be a GREAT trip! :D Enjoy! And Congratulations.
12-01-2015, 01:43 PM
as I mentioned in a different loop we named ours
Sheila Noya because she was so derned troublesome when we first purchased her
John Herrell
12-01-2015, 02:00 PM
Further on the mileage. Kinda interesting (for me). The first 1,100 miles (after sitting all these years), the mileage averaged 14.3 and no tankful was over 15. The next 2,700 miles, the average was 15.7 and no tankful was under 14.
01-20-2016, 04:06 PM
...and when might we see some of your own pictures of your chariot? Especially those along the cross-country journey.
John Herrell
01-21-2016, 11:02 AM
...and when might we see some of your own pictures of your chariot? Especially those along the cross-country journey.
I'm not good about photos. (That's an understatement.) I'd put one in the Member's Garage ("3811 lives" IIRC) and I just added another.
Will probly get some good pix from the wedding.
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