View Full Version : Antenna shaft check valve washer.

Barry Wolk
12-12-2024, 07:44 AM
Does anyone know what the antenna shaft check valve washer is made of? I made one of vinyl and it curled. I took apart a Caddy antenna and found its washer distorted, also.

https://scontent-ord5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/470140154_561526693268887_3420789592072244766_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_tt6&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=aa7b47&_nc_ohc=k6Rn-8fdAMkQ7kNvgGwW-oP&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-1.xx&_nc_gid=APClALVMzEI0VR0MMhdQWhZ&oh=00_AYD1H932KsNy6ZHMx1A4dRdV5LBBbPFSnihWkNBC0ilE 6A&oe=6760BCAA

12-16-2024, 02:08 PM
So now we know what happens when Barry asks a question that he doesn't know the answer to. 4 days and no one has responded. If your talking about the black washer in your picture, I don't know the answer either but there is a guy in Kirchheim, Germany that might know. He created a rebuild kit for the Caddy antenna. Maybe if you message him on eBay he'll respond. Those Cadillac guys are pretty good guys too.

12-16-2024, 04:01 PM

I took a look at my removed antenna.

It is a kind of plastic, flexible, you can bend it easily but it will probably break if you bend it completely and it is to stiff to curle.

Barry Wolk
12-16-2024, 04:44 PM
So now we know what happens when Barry asks a question that he doesn't know the answer to. 4 days and no one has responded. If your talking about the black washer in your picture, I don't know the answer either but there is a guy in Kirchheim, Germany that might know. He created a rebuild kit for the Caddy antenna. Maybe if you message him on eBay he'll respond. Those Cadillac guys are pretty good guys too.

Thanks. When no-one responded I called one of my friends that happens to be a retired Ford materials guy. I told him what I needed to do and he sat me down with with a rubber selection guide from McMaster-Carr. Viton covered all the bases. At 1/32" it had enough mass to fall on its own in the check valve attached to the mast, and light enough to be sucked up to let air into the bottom of the antenna. It's actually quite clever. Also important is to get the punch sizes correct as the have to be free to rise and fall when needed.

I bought a 6 x 6 sheet for $27, delivered. It worked so well off of manifold vacuum that it slams up and down. Rick Payton sent me a junked Cadillac antenna that I was able to salvage some great parts off of.

I talked to the e-bay sellers through e-bay. They were not very helpful when I told him the shaft they provide is too long for for the Continental by 2". Likely due to Cadillac's higher belt line. When I asked him his opinion on the type of rubber, or could I just buy the rubber parts? I was met with him complaining that he has a huge investment in the kit and he can't sell parts. OK, fine.

If that's all anyone needs is the name of the material and the measurement, I'd be happy to provide them.


12-16-2024, 06:10 PM
So I guess we found out what happens when Barry asks a question that he doesn't know the answer to and nobody else does either:
He just digs in and finds the answer!

Barry Wolk
12-16-2024, 08:08 PM
That was nice. Thank you.

12-18-2024, 05:37 PM
Thanks. When no-one responded I called one of my friends that happens to be a retired Ford materials guy. I told him what I needed to do and he sat me down with with a rubber selection guide from McMaster-Carr. Viton covered all the bases. At 1/32" it had enough mass to fall on its own in the check valve attached to the mast, and light enough to be sucked up to let air into the bottom of the antenna. It's actually quite clever. Also important is to get the punch sizes correct as the have to be free to rise and fall when needed.

I bought a 6 x 6 sheet for $27, delivered. It worked so well off of manifold vacuum that it slams up and down. Rick Payton sent me a junked Cadillac antenna that I was able to salvage some great parts off of.

I talked to the e-bay sellers through e-bay. They were not very helpful when I told him the shaft they provide is too long for for the Continental by 2". Likely due to Cadillac's higher belt line. When I asked him his opinion on the type of rubber, or could I just buy the rubber parts? I was met with him complaining that he has a huge investment in the kit and he can't sell parts. OK, fine.

If that's all anyone needs is the name of the material and the measurement, I'd be happy to provide them.


Barry: My antenna is in need of that check valve. Please let me know the name and specifics on the material that you found.
Thank you, Jim

Barry Wolk
12-19-2024, 09:37 AM
No problem. I'll likely make a tutorial about my experience in taking it apart. It wasn't easy, but not impossible.