View Full Version : wheel covers

09-12-2024, 10:08 PM
unquestionably the most difficult I've ever encountered to install. if there is a trick to installation I certainly would be very appreciative to learn it. mine are not warped, they lay perfectly on a flat surface. what am I missing? thanks for any help.

Barry Wolk
09-12-2024, 10:42 PM
Be glad they’re tight. They are tough to install.

Mark Norris
09-15-2024, 06:58 PM
unquestionably the most difficult I've ever encountered to install. if there is a trick to installation I certainly would be very appreciative to learn it. mine are not warped, they lay perfectly on a flat surface. what am I missing? thanks for any help.

Yes, mine require a good hard thump with the heel of the hand to get them seated.

Shelly Harris
09-16-2024, 10:09 AM
Wearing rubber sole shoes.. like a tennis shoe.....
Start the cover on the left edge so it it stays up on its own in the wheel.
Sit down on the pavement facing the wheel.
Place left foot on the left front side of the cover holding it firmly IN the wheel.
Leaning a bit back holding the disk in with your left foot....., Use your right foot .... SMACK the right side of the cover into the right front of the wheel.